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    (< & xs)

    Check if xs is in ascending order. Returns a boolean.

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# janet 1.10.1

# non-numeric values appear to always be greater than numeric values
(< math/inf nil)      # -> true
(< math/inf true)     # -> true
(< math/inf false)    # -> true
(< math/inf "hello")  # -> true
(< math/inf :heyo)    # -> true
(< math/inf (fn []))  # -> true
(< math/inf {:a 1})   # -> true

# non-numeric values also follow an ordering.
# rearranging any of these values turns the result false:
(< nil false true "a" "b" :a :b [] [1] [1 1] [2] {} {:a 1} (fn []))  # -> true
(<)        # -> true
(< 1)      # -> true
(< 1 2)    # -> true
(< 2 1)    # -> false
(< 1 2 3)  # -> true
(< 1 3 2)  # -> false